Thursday, May 15, 2008

Becoz of Global Warming

On my recent trip to Matheran (I’ll elaborate on this trip later, if I get time), me n my friends came up with a truly original theory. Now this theory is prolly a result of the fact that our brains are devoted to inane matters most of the time, and due the utter boredom that ensues some magnificently weird ideas sometimes pop into our heads. Now you can think of this as a central characteristic of the blog. And as u might have guessed digressions are another characteristic.
OK now back to what im supposed to be rambling on about.....

What we discovered is that the answer to all problems, all vices, all troubles can be traced back to one common source. This antecedent lies at the kernel of all that is wrong with the world. What is this venom... this poison that’s infected our planet u ask??

I’ll put an end to the suspense (which the title to this post has already killed)…. its GLOBAL WARMING. Yes, i mean "the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation." (As defined by Wikipedia)

Dont be so surprised, think about it for a bit...

Whats the cause of World Hunger.... no not Politics, its Global Warming
Whats causing mass extinction... Deforestation u say?? WRONG its Global Warming
Whats causing the oil crisis... yes u guessed it... Global Warming
Who stole the cookie from the cookie Jar... Global warming

Yes, you are now beginning to understand our views, aren't you? When u think about it, the logic is actually sound. So if there’s a problem for which you have no cause, blame Global Warming.

Well my job here is done; I have spread awareness on this matter. The rest is now up to you…..

PS: This entire post was complete non-sense, n if you truly believe this, for lack of a more apt word, this gibberish then … well Good for you. I’m sure you will win the Nobel Prize soon :)


Unknown said...

This truly utter nonsensical crap is apt for the blog...n hope u rembr whom the credit for the "Global warming screws one and all" theory actually goes to. That was one hell of a trip.Keep up ur crappy work. Hope to see more lousy nonsense from you. CEnturion.

Kaus said...


Thoughts : the best way of purging!! said...

u know this is utter crap and 'insolent' stuff!!... n a mere show off of ur 1480 in GRe :P neways plz dont keep up d bad work and torture us..

Anupam Gupta said...

oh my...another one....i am gonna FLAG ur blog 911...WARN THE PRESIDENT!!!!

ok sorry...i m just gonan keep psoting such crappy comments to all ur crappy posts...makes sense???

The Wanderer said...

Can the reason why you wrote this piece in the first place also traced back to Global Warming? ;-)

lalit said...

well said.. I kinda actually believe in this theory.
cheers to GLOBAL WARMING..

Durgesh said...

The inconvenient truth -- the movie

watch it.

Penguin said...

i'd like to know what the author drank before writing this post.

Kushal said...

hmm time fr me 2 answer to my critics... firstly i completely agree with kaustubh
Angel... i dun show off :p
Blue Indian... the answer is YES... everything can b blamed on Global Warming
Zai... i was as sober den as i am now... hope dat answers ur Question :D
n lastly Someone... i know Global warming is a serious prob, but i juz wanted 2 write some crap n so i did

IceMaiden said...

comment coming a lil late.... but yet.... dude, u sure u ok???