Friday, May 16, 2008

Bloody Terrorists

What is it with India and Terrorism? They share the relation of a streetlight luring insects in the night (these insects are blood sucking gnats or the like). Each and every terrorist cell out to prove its mettle makes it to the big league by blowing up a coupla bombs here and killing a few dozen people. Case in point... who ever heard of the "Indian Mujahideen" before the Jaipur blasts?

Now no matter how much you criticize Bush (But god am i happy that hes outta office soon :)) for his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan you have to agree with the fact that there have been no subsequent attacks on the US after 9/11. Now im not saying that we should invade Pakistan or suming (im all for World Peace... woohooo), but our stance should definitely be more aggressive. Sometimes flexing your muscles does deter those pesky wannabes (Yes i did just liken Terrorists to wannabes). The Gandhian philosophy of Satyagraha is not gonna work here (and just for the record i dun think it worked back in 1947 either).

N what exactly are these attacks supposed to accomplish other then murder? Yes India has a population problem, but killing off our people is not how we wanna deal with it. I really dunno what problems the “Jihadis” have with India, and frankly i dont care. Its our country and what we do shouldnt be their business. Jai Hind!!!


Anupam Gupta said...

ooh...someone's getting all angry...nice nice...good to know u still do have a heart...


Penguin said...

now this sounds like sense

lalit said...

dude u touched me here der evrywhere.. But knw wt.. d reason why the JIHADIs are attacking INDIA...? ..simple.. GLOBAL WARMING...!!!